Electronic Data Interchange
There are many components in defining an EDI relationship between one organization and another. Firstly, the "hub" defines each document's implementation guides. And secondly, which transaction sets exist that can be traded between organizations. This information can be communicated to the "spokes" via the "hubs" extranet websites. This section describes many of these components.
The EDI Trading Partners section gives a more customized view on how each trading partner uses the EDI transaction sets. A transaction set (aka Set Id) is a standardized code given to a document type. For ANSI, a set id could be 850, 810, 856, 852, etc. Each transaction is accompained with the trading partner's guideline. The guideline shows the breakdown of the interchange (ie. EDI IDs, Version and Set Id). It also shows which segments and elements that are used. The "hub" (aka large company; usually a retailer) defines what the guideline should look like for a specific document type; and the "spoke" (usually the manufacturer) needs to adhere to the Hubs guidelines. Qualifiers are also defined in the guideline. A "qualifier" defines what its adjoining data represents. For example, a "UP" in the LIN
segment means that its accompanying value is a UPC code. There are many qualifiers within a transaction set; and there are many qualifiers for each segment. All these rules are governed by the proper agency such as ANSI or EDIFACT. Many trading partners guidelines are listed here.
Transaction Set pages list the ANSI and EDIFACT Set IDs. Each Set ID has a definition of the document; as well as which trading partners trade them. Each tranding partner (or "hub") can have their own flavor of their transaction sets. So one retailers purchase order (850) will most likely not look like another trading partners PO. This section breaksdown by each document type by "hub". You can compare how each transaction set for the same Set Id is a little bit different. Many standard and non-standard transactions sets are listed here.
Build your own Portal so you can reduce the number of phone calls you receive. This section is under construction. But you can still request that Jobisez LLC build your company an EDI website. The advantage of having a website for your company is to have your trading partners find most of your EDI information on a web page as opposed to having them call up your company and taking up an employees time to answer simple questions.
After you review the information in the above sections, you can continue to the Solutions section. here will will find industry standard tools which will help you startup an EDI infrastructure. Or the solutions section can help you change your current infrastructure.